Comfort is a multi-aspect thing. From a certain perspective, comfort is when people can access basic conveniences. In public places, this aspect determines the inclusivity of the environment and showcases the attitude of visitors. Moreover, some of the comfort-related aspects are even regulated by law.

Today, we are willing to stop exploring such tools as restroom signs. Let us find out why they are so important these days and how they help to establish a comfortable environment with easy access to all the basic conveniences.

Types of Restroom Signs

  • Gender-specific restroom signs: In most public places, you will be able to locate a restroom with the help of men’s or women’s restroom signs. These plaques inform that certain areas can be accessed only by representatives of a specific gender. This is usually depicted through clear and understandable icons. If you want to order a specific image to be printed on your signs, buy on Bsign Store. 
  • All-gender / unisex restroom signs: This type of restroom sign is used when a facility wants to make sure that every visitor is welcome, regardless of their gender identification. The other reason to use unisex signs is more practical. A facility might simply not have enough space to divide it for separate male and female restrooms, and this can be communicated through unisex restroom signs.
  • ADA-compliant signs: ADA is a set of rules that regulates the organization of public spaces to make them inclusive for individuals with disabilities. ADA-compliant restroom signs are the plaques that correspond to these requirements, and therefore, can be easily located by those who suffer from partial or complete vision loss or other impairments.
  • Handicap restroom signs: A handicap restroom is something more than just an area with an ADA-compliant sign. A handicap restroom should be equipped with appliances that help disabled individuals to access their basic needs.

History of Restroom Signs

It is interesting to learn that the first gender-specific restrooms appeared only in the 19th century. Before that period, it was a common practice that most public restrooms were unisex, and equally used by both men and women. Later, it became apparent that regular restrooms aren’t suitable for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, in the 20th century, governments of different countries started working on regulations that obliged public places to make restrooms accessible for all categories of visitors, regardless of their physical limitations.

Approaches to Restroom Signs

There are two ways to deliver information on restroom signs. The first one is through simple icons, and the second one is to write everything in words. The biggest advantage of the first approach is that male and female symbols are usually internationally recognizable and understandable. On the other hand, when restroom plaques are signed with actual words, it is possible to include some extra information that might be useful for visitors.